Our Services


Objective is core, not symptoms



Ear Seed Therapy

Auricular therapy is a type of acupressure focusing on the ear, which acts as a microsystem of the entire body. The ear’s nerves connect to reflex centers in the brain, allowing messages to be sent to the spinal cord and targeted areas of the body.


The goal of acupuncture is to regulate the life energy circuits throughout the body. Traditional acupuncture is based on the energy, or “life force”, that flows through the body in channels called meridians.


Chakra cleansing

By activating and cleansing the chakra points or glands points of the human body, The objective of activating is to realise who is the self or who am I.

Mudra or Muthirai

Mudrad on spetsiifilised käte – ja sõrmeasendid, millel on teadaolevalt mõju inimese kehale ja meelele. Neid iidseid tervendavaid praktikaid on järgitud põlvkondade vältel.

Pranayamam and Yogasanam

It’s the best way to clean the body and mind to connect and realize divinity, In my custom, the quality of standards is beyond human thoughts, these are taught by masters who transfer the knowledge from generation to generation, different lifetimes and life journeys.

Food Therapy

The food culture of an ethnic group is the link chain of their civilizational development path. 

An ethnic group shapes its diet based on what is available in its landscape. 

Then, according to their civilization, their eating habits also evolved and moved towards the stage where food is medicine.

Today, we have been forced to consider medicine as food.  The body is always fighting and adapting to the external environment to be successful in being healthy.


Moxibustion or Heat Therapy

Moxibustion works as an analgesic by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammatory cells to relieve pain.

It has been proven to regulate the activity of the body’s immune system cells, protecting the body from viruses and bacterial infections.


Its effective in relaxation, stress reduction, rejuvenation, longevity, detoxification, strengthening the immune system, pain relief of joints, neck, back, muscles and it is also effective in migraine, other headaches, insomnia and skin care.

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Call us on +372 55 96 18 65 or simply book an appointment

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